About us
The National Insurance Scheme pays nineteen (19) benefits in three categories: long-term [Age, Invalidity and Survivors (Spouse, Child, Dependent Parent)], short-term [Sickness, Unemployment, Maternity (Allowance/Grant), Funeral (Insured, Spouse, Child)] and employment injury [Injury, Medical Expenses, Disablement, and Death Benefit (Spouse, Child, Dependent Parent, Other Dependents)].

The National Insurance Board of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique came into force on the 4th of April 1983 by N.I.S Law 14/1983. National Insurance is equivalent to what is referred to in other countries as “Social Security”. Its aim and objective are to provide social security protection for its contributors who experience economic distress caused by the stoppage or substantial reduction of earnings resulting in occurrences such as sickness, employment injury, invalidity, childbirth, retirement or death.
In 1970, the first Social Security package was introduced to Grenada with the proclamation of the Agricultural Workers Provident Fund. Employers were required to contribute fifteen (15) cents to the Fund on behalf of each worker for every day worked. Money generated through this Fund was used to pay benefits to the persons who were covered, primarily, agricultural workers.
In the years following its establishment, it was realized that the scope of coverage provided by the Fund was limited and inadequate. As a result, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) was contracted as part of a Caribbean-wide project to explore the establishment of a more comprehensive Social Security Program bringing into force the National Insurance Scheme.
The National Insurance Scheme, over the years has gone through some significant reviews recommended by actuarial studies conducted as mandated by Law every three (3) years. The most significant has been the introduction of the Employment Injury Benefit and the increases in the contribution ceiling.
The pensionable age is now 60. The Government is actively pursuing the increase in the pensionable age to 65 as part of the Scheme’s parametric reform program arising out of the recent actuarial recommendations. This significant change would act as a buffer and assist in extending the life and sustainability of the Scheme.
It is important to note that National Insurance or Social Security Programs are present in almost every country of the world.
The National Insurance Scheme is governed by a Board of Directors, a body corporate.
The members of the Board are appointed by the Minister responsible for Social Security and is made up as follows:
- Two members representing Government, one of whom is appointed as the Chairman
- Two members representing Employers appointed by the Employers’ body
- Two members representing employees appointed by the employee’s organization
- The Director who is the Chief Executive Officer
The Board takes its mandate from the National Insurance Act No. 14/1983 continued under the 2010 Revised Laws of Grenada.
Melville Street, St. George’s
Cnr. Victoria & Jubilee Streets, Grenville, St. Andrew’s
Church Street, Hillsborough, Carriacou
CIBC First Caribbean International Bank Ltd.
Cnr. Church & Halifax Streets, St. George’s,
Grenada Co-operative Bank Ltd.
Church Street, St. George’s
Republic Bank Grenada Ltd.
Melville Street, St. George’s
Keisha Lander
BDO Eastern Caribbean
Kingstown Park, Kingstown
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Mr. Philbert J. Lewis – Government Representative – Chairman
Mr. Osbert Hood – Government Representative – Deputy Chairman
Mr. Bert Paterson – Employees’ Representative
Mr. Kenny James – Employees’ Representative
Mrs. Lydia Courtney-Francis – Employers’ Representative
Mr. James Pitt – Employers’ Representative
Mr. Dorsett Cromwell – Director
Mr. Mike Sylvester – Chairman
Mr. Osbert Hood – Member
Ms. Sheena Regis – Member
Mr. Musa Jasat – Member
Mr. Dorsett Cromwell – Director
Mr. Dorsett Cromwell – Director
Ms. Cindian St. Bernard – Deputy Director
Mr. Max Gordon – Finance Manager
Ms. Asher James – Human Resource Manager
Mr. Duane Noel – Information Technology Manager
Ms. Franca Belle – Compliance Manager
Ms. Keisha Lander – Legal Counsel
Ms. Rhea Mc Leish – Internal Auditor (reports to the Audit Committee)
Ms. Roxanne James – Board Secretary/Executive Assistant
Lisa C. Gibbs-Douglas – Public Relations Officer
Gizelle McMeo – Investment Analyst
Marsha R. Lewis – Statistics Research and Planning Officer
Rich Frederick – Information Technology Officer
Merylann Francis – Human Resource Officer
Stephan Francis-Phillip – Accounts Officer
Kelon Bubb – Senior Lending Officer
Sarahi Palacio – Programmer
Juan Carlos Soto – Programmer
Aleena Ollivierre – Property Co-ordinator
Arleen A.P. Philbert – Grenville Sub-office Supervisor
Charlene Benjamin – Data Processing Supervisor
Kindy-Ann Best-Celestine – Benefits Supervisor
Kera Mc Quilkin – Carriacou Sub-office Supervisor
Samuel Chitan – Customer Service Supervisor
Sharon Calliste – Compliance Supervisor
Curlene St. Bernard – Administration Supervisor
The National Insurance Regulations makes provisions for Claimants who are not satisfied with the decision of the NIS to have a right to Appeal. The decision of the Appeal Tribunal shall be final. The Director of the NIS and the Claimant making the appeal are entitled to be heard at the hearing of the Tribunal. Both persons may be represented by another person, whether professional or not. Any appeal to the Tribunal must be made in writing and must be submitted to the office of the NIS within 21 days after the decision.
The Appeal Tribunal comprises of three (3) members represented as follows:
- One person drawn from a panel of persons representing employers
- One person drawn from a panel of persons representing employee
- The Chairman who must be an Attorney-at-Law of at least five years’ experience
While the other members are appointed by the National Insurance Board, the Chairman is appointed by the Minister with responsibility for Social Security.
To Appeal
Visit any NIS office and complete an Appeal Form or you can submit a letter to the Appeal Tribunal indicating the reason for your appeal as well as the benefit that was disallowed. All appeals must be done in writing and must include a statement explaining the reason for the appeal.
Please note that you have 21 days after the date that the NIS made the decision, within which to file this appeal. The Chairman of the Tribunal may however allow an extension, which will not exceed 4 months. Additionally, please ensure that all contact information regarding your address and telephone numbers are current.
Appeal Tribunal Hearings
Reasonable notice of the time and place of the Appeal Tribunal hearing is given to claimants. Claimants are usually advised via telephone calls and a hand delivered letter.
Once the notice is given, if the claimant fails to appear without giving a reasonable explanation for his/her absence, the National Insurance Regulations allows the Tribunal to proceed with making a judgment regarding the case.
NIS Compliance Officers are designated as Inspectors and have the authority under Law:
- To enter any property at reasonable hours where they have reasons to believe that persons are employed.
- Request any document form the employer that will show whether NIS contributions are payable.
- Examine any documents and ask questions to determine whether NIS contributions are payable an if the employer is NIS compliant.
- To question every person who they meet on the property and can summon them to the office of the NIS.
The primary function of a Compliance Officer is to ensure that all businesses and individuals with employees or persons working for them (sub-contractors), are registered as an employer with the NIS, and submit contribution data and payments on behalf of each employee.
The mission of the NIS is to provide for the efficient payment of relevant benefits to contributors in a customer-focused environment through effective collection of contributions and prudent management of funds with highly trained staff using innovative technology.
The National Insurance Scheme will be an exemplary social security institution providing sustained coverage, responsive to national and global challenges.
Good Governance
Customer Focused
Prudent Management