All employed and self-employed persons in Grenada are mandated by the National Insurance laws to register and pay contributions. In this section the contributors are broken down into four sections: Self-employed, Voluntary, Employee and Employer.
Who Contributes?

An employer is a person or corporate body with whom an employee has entered into a contract of service or apprenticeship expressed or implied…

An employee is a person who performs services under a contract of service or apprenticeship with an employer. All Employees are required…

A voluntary contributor is someone who is between ages 16 and 62, and while not employed or self-employed, wish to continue to have…

A self-employed contributor is someone who is not in the employment of a registered employer, but is otherwise gainfully employed. All self-employed…
An employer is a person or corporate body with whom an employee has entered into a contract of service or apprenticeship expressed or implied where such a person or corporate body is liable to pay salary, wages or other remuneration for services performed by the employee.
- Must register with the NIS
- Must ensure that all its employees are registered with the NIS
- Must deduct and pay the required contributions on behalf of all employees in current employment.
The contribution rate is as follows:
7% payable by the employer.
6% payable by the employee
Insurable earnings are the earnings on a monthly or weekly basis on which contributions are to be deducted.
The maximum insurable earnings on which contributions are payable are:
$5,200.00 – Per month
$1,200.00 – Per week
Contributions are payable on all the following income:
- Overtime wages/payments
- Cost of living bonus
- Additional Payments in respect of dependents
- Supplements for long service in industry efficiency
- Commission on sales or similar payments
- Gratuities paid by employer
- Payment for night or shift work
- Service charges
- Any of an employee’s liabilities paid on behalf by the employer
- Holiday Pay
- Danger or dirt money or similar payments
Contributions are due and payable at the end of each month. A grace of up to fourteen (14) days are allowed with penalty and interest.
Penalties and interest for late payment are applied as follows:
- A 10% surcharge on the amount payable
- An additional 1% interest for every month or part of a month that the contribution payment remains outstanding.
Monthly remittances must be submitted via the NIS Web Portal clearly stating the following:
- The name and registration number of the employer
- The name and registration number of each employee
- In the case of weekly paid employees the amount earned each week
- The insurable earnings and total 12.5% contribution
- The total contributions to be paid
Payment can be made using the following options:
- NIS Headquarters Building, Melville Street, St. George’s
- Grenville sub-office, Cnr Jubilee & Victoria Streets, Grenville
- Carriacou sub-office, Church Street, Carriacou
Online Banking;
- Republic Bank Grenada Ltd.
- Grenada Co-operative Bank Ltd.
Non-nationals are required to pay contributions if they are employed or is a self-employed person in Grenada.
The contribution rate for a self-employed person is 12.5% of gross earnings.
The maximum insurable earnings on which contributions are payable by the self-employed person are similar to that of an employee and are:
$5,200.00 – Per month
$1,200.00 – Per week
A self-employed person is entitled to all the benefits offered by the National Insurance Scheme.
A voluntary contributor is one who is between ages 16 and 61, is ordinarily resident in Grenada and while not employed or self-employed, wish to continue to pay contributions voluntarily in order to keep your contributions unbroken or to enable you to qualify to receive a pension.
The contribution rate for a voluntary contributor is 13% of insurable earnings.