Invalidity Benefit

Invalidity Benefit is paid to a person who has exhausted his or her entitlement to Sickness Benefit or where having been examined by a doctor, has been diagnosed as being permanently incapable of work. The benefit may be paid as a Pension or a Grant, depending on the number of contributions paid into the National Insurance Scheme.

Invalidity Benefit FAQs

A benefit paid to employees/self-employed persons who have exhausted their entitlement to Sickness Benefit or where having been examined by a doctor, has been diagnosed as being permanently incapable of work. The benefit may be paid as a Pension or a Grant, depending on the number of contribution weeks paid into the National Insurance Scheme.

Invalidity Benefit is paid to an insured person who:

  • Is under the pensionable age (presently age 62).
  • Has become permanently incapable of work because of some specific disease or physical or mental illness/disablement and is medically certified as being likely to remain incapacitated.
  • Is not in receipt of a Sickness Benefit or has exhausted all entitlement to Sickness Benefit.

To qualify for a Pension, an insured person must have at least 150 paid contribution weeks and be under the pensionable age (presently age 62). This is a monthly payment as long as the invalidity lasts.

To qualify for a Grant, an insured person must have at least 50 paid or credited contribution weeks and be under the pensionable age (presently age 62).

Invalidity Grant is a lump sum payment and is paid at 5 times the average weekly insurable earnings for every 50 contributions.

Complete the Invalidity Benefit Claim Form on the NIS Web Portal and submit it to the National Insurance Scheme within three months from the date on which the doctor diagnoses you.

Invalidity Benefit is paid at an annual rate of:

  • 28% of a person’s average annual salary (insurable earnings) during the best five (5) years of the entire period of the person’s working life
  • It is supplemented by 1% of the average annual salary for each unit of 50 contributions in excess of the first 500 contributions.
  • The maximum amount which can be awarded as an Invalidity Pension is 60% of a person’s average annual insurable earnings.

An employee/self-employed person may be disqualified from receiving this benefit if the claimant:

  • Becomes unable to work through his or her own misconduct.
  • Fails without good cause to comply with any notice by the NIS to attend or submit one’s self for medical or other examination.
  • Fails without good cause to attend a course of rehabilitation training following a written notice by the NIS .
  • Fails to refrain from behaviour calculated to retard his or her recovery or to answer reasonable questions by an officer of the NIS.
  • Is absent from one’s place of residence without leaving word where you may be found.
  • Engages in work for which wages would normally be paid.